Meet Your Dentist in Broomfield, Colorado: A Haven for Healing Smiles

At Peak Dental Health, led by the compassionate Dr. Brett Nelson, we understand the journey to dental wellness can be daunting. Our team, with years of dedicated service in the Broomfield community, welcomes you with open arms and understanding hearts. Here, your dental history is met with empathy, not judgment.


A Legacy of Compassionate Care in Broomfield

Our practice is more than just a dental office; it's a place where fears are calmed and smiles are reborn. Dr. Nelson, with his gentle approach, has created an environment where every patient is treated with the respect and dignity they deserve. Our team, familiar faces in the community, shares a passion for nurturing lasting relationships with our patients, ensuring you feel at home from your very first visit.

Compassionate Care

Transformative Dental Experiences

We’ve heard the stories of hesitation, of years gone by without a dental visit, and the fears of judgment, pain, and dismissal. But at Peak Dental Health, those fears dissipate the moment you walk through our doors. Whether it's been years or decades since your last dental appointment, we welcome you with a promise: your experience here will be nothing but supportive, understanding, and empowering.

Dental Experiences

Our Commitment to Your Dental Journey

General Dentistry

Shame-Free Zone

Your past is not our focus; your dental future is. Never will you hear reproach for the time elapsed since your last visit. Instead, we celebrate your decision to take a step towards better oral health.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Worry-Free Experience

With options like sedation dentistry, we ensure your visit is comfortable and calm. Your journey to a healthier smile should be Swift and Effective Care.

Restorative Dentistry

Swift and Effective Care

Time is precious, and so is your smile. We strive to provide, remembered for its ease and positivity, not discomfort or fear.efficient treatment, often resolving issues in fewer visits, all while ensuring lasting results.

Other Services

Expertise with Empathy

Dr. Nelson and our team are not just skilled in advanced dental procedures; we specialize in caring for those who have felt sidelined by their dental needs. Every day, we transform dental despair into radiant smiles.

Our Technology

Working with the latest dental technology is vital to Dr. Nelson because his patients are his top priority. State-of-the-art equipment such as 3-D imaging allows Dr. Nelson to deliver the best results for his patients. Read on to learn more about the technology you'll see at Peak Dental Health.

3-D Cone Beam

Our 3-D Cone Beam allows Dr. Nelson to view 3-D images of our patient's teeth, nerves, soft tissues, and bone. Dr. Nelson uses this type of imaging for planning dental implant placement procedures. A 3-D view allows him to determine precisely where the implant should be placed prior to surgery to ensure the best outcome.

He may also use these images for evaluating the sinuses or the jaw joint (TMJ), and helping to diagnose and treat TMJ issues.

Digital X-Rays

Digital x-rays are an invaluable tool that Dr. Nelson utilizes to detect any concerns early on. Taking x-rays digitally means significantly less (80%) radiation for patients, and images are readily available for viewing. They provide a clearer image for Dr. Nelson to diagnose more accurately.

Digital x-rays also leave less footprint on the environment as chemicals for developing are no longer needed.

Intraoral Camera

Imagine if you could see the decay in your tooth, you might better understand why you need that crown or filling, right? Now you can with our intraoral camera! This tiny camera can take pictures of the inside of your mouth so you can see your teeth and soft tissues up close and in color. Understanding what you need helps you make decisions about your oral health that make sense for you.

Laser Dentistry

Those struggling with gum disease will benefit from the accuracy and precision of the dental laser. The laser can remove diseased tissue without harming your healthy tissue in the process. It also seals the area, which protects it and accelerates the healing process.

Laser dentistry delivers precise results while making treatment more comfortable for patients.

Panoramic X-Rays

Panoramic x-rays give Dr. Nelson a full view of your teeth, mouth, and jaw joints in one clear picture. This image is helpful for planning orthodontic treatment and implant dentistry.

We are happy to offer this x-ray option for patients, so they don't have to go elsewhere for imaging.

Rotary Endodontics

Rotary endodontic tools are specialized hand tools made of nickel-titanium and designed to easily reach the inner canals of your tooth during root canal therapy. Nickel-titanium is flexible, allowing the tool easier access into your tooth to comfortably remove infected tissue.

These tools are also electric, which allows them to work more efficiently, making the process of completing a root canal faster.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide is only one of the levels of dental sedation offered at Peak Dental Health. We also provide more profound levels of relaxation with oral conscious and IV sedation.

Nitrous is safe and comfortable to use during almost all types of procedures. It leaves your system quickly after your procedure, which means it's safe to drive yourself home. It is also safe and an excellent option for children who are fearful of dental procedures.


Meet the Peak Dental Team!

Ready to change the narrative of your dental history? Take a moment to review our team before joining us at Peak Dental Health, where every smile, regardless of its past, is treated with the utmost care and professionalism! It’s never too late to start anew with a team that stands ready to support you on every step of your dental journey.


Dr. Brett Nelson

Dr. Brett Nelson is a second-generation dentist originally from Indiana. He completed his training at the University of Colorado and has made Colorado his permanent home since 1999. He is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, American Association of Endodontics, Academy of General Dentistry, and the American Academy of Implant Dentistry. He is also a certified Invisalign provider.

Dr. Nelson loves people, and one of his favorite parts of the day is meeting patients and hearing their personal stories. He also loves troubleshooting and fixing problems, so dentistry was a natural fit for him. He understands that dental treatment is life-changing for many people, and he enjoys helping patients achieve their goals for their smiles and their dental health.

When he's not taking care of patients, Dr. Nelson can be found spending time with his wife and two daughters, Phoebe and Sophie. He also loves mountain biking, hiking, climbing, woodworking, swimming, and running.

Miranda Judd

Dental Hygienist

Teresa Martinez

Dental Assistant

Teresa is originally from Denver, CO and she is one of Dr. Nelson's dental assistants. She's been in dentistry for over a decade, and she loves the patient satisfaction that she receives from providing exceptional dental care with great results.

When Teresa is not at Peak Dental Health, you can find her spending time with her family and her grandchildren. She also takes classes on theology, and she's the activity coordinator for her church.

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